
Quantum Machine Learning Project

This repository contains the code and report for the Quantum Machine Learning (QML) project, focused on solving the Parity Problem using various quantum circuits and classical neural networks. The project was developed as part of the QML course at the University of Athens.

Project Overview

The Parity Problem

The parity problem involves determining whether the number of ones in a binary string is even or odd. In this project, we consider two versions of the problem: one with 3 inputs and another with 5 inputs.

Data Description

Quantum Circuits

Circuit (a)

Circuit (b)

Circuit (c)


The classifiers’ performance is evaluated based on accuracy on both training and test datasets. Various optimizers were tested, including Adam, Gradient Descent, Nesterov Momentum, and RMSProp.

The Parity Problem with 5 Inputs

A more complex version of the parity problem was tackled using a quantum circuit with 5 qubits and data re-uploading technique.

Comparison with Classical Neural Network

A classical neural network was trained on the same dataset to benchmark the performance of the quantum classifiers.




Konstantinos Nikoletos