
  • Full Name:Konstantinos Nikoletos
  • Location:Athens, Greece
  • ORCID:0000-0003-3465-1197

Education. I hold a B.Sc. (2022) and an M.Sc. (2024) in Computer Science from the University of Athens, with a specialization in Data, Information, and Knowledge Management.

Work Experience. In 2021, I worked at an SME in Athens, primarily as a Software Engineer. Following this, I joined the University of Athens AI Team (2022) as a fellow, taking on roles as both a Research Associate and a Teaching Assistant. In 2024, I started serving as a Research Fellow in the University of Trento. My research now focuses on Data Sustainability & Entity Resolution.

Research Areas. Artificial Intelligence and Data Management, particularly their intersection.

Contact me at: nikoletos[dot]kon[at]gmail[dot]com